Saturday, April 28, 2012

life is full of unexpected

Well to my surprise my blog is still surviving. there are views over the past few months, ha!
Life have been the same routine ever since work occur which occupy most of my time & time really passes fast. Have a hard time typing this post, my keyboard have been damn irritating. The "E" and "8" are not working & am using the on-screen keyboard.

Recently, one of my relative departed :'( Yes, there's a long story behind it. all i could say is 'Monies are the evilest thing on earth"! Cause of it turn both parties relationship stiff, which use to be like one. Took AM leave that day to send him off, the ambiance is so heartbreaking.

Seeing each of the uncles & aunties are aging, hair turning whiter.. Skin getting slaggy. Time are catching up, treasure every single ones & moments that you've before you regret. life is short, you might not know what's happening next or probably tomorrow..

R.I.P Peanut Kor Kor you'll always be in our heart. As for the mistake i believe sooner or later everyone will be able to let it go. As for the family members i hope they can relive as time goes by..

your so call Oliva, popeye's wife

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